Whilst I was pondering the current F1 situation - will Bahrain go ahead or won't it...? I was also professional email list giving thought to the rumours and indeed facts that I have heard of late (and suspected for a long time) that UK PLC today is full of individuals who manage to manoeuvre themselves onto the boards of the best of British companies, offer professional email list little guidance once they have the Chairman's mantle, then, after perhaps even as little as two years, retire on a good pension and golden professional email list handshake.
Sure as not, they have, in the professional email list meantime, sold off parts of the British institutions they have headed, to some foreign investors or governments So, are we really selling off some of the 'best of British' down the river, or to be more precise, the Yellow River? I thought of the facts I read last June that, according to consultants Dealogice, Chinese firms have acquired stakes in 33 UK companies professional email list since 2008 - that's acquisitions totalling almost £12 billion. Wow! And being a car man at heart I was distressed to find that amongst the inventory of acquisitions has been one of my favourite marques, the professional email list MG.
Yes, the MG plant at Longbridge in Birmingham is professional email list now part of the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation. Now, while it may have revived Birmingham's automotive manufacturing industry, it's taken an established British brand away from the UK. What has been the emotion in the respective boardrooms of the companies who have sold out to China? I suspect there are professional email list more boardrooms around the country celebrating another prospective acquisition from the land currently recognised as being the main perpetrators of industrial espionage and professional email list cyber crime.