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Business International
Mar 21, 2022
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The total population of Japan is 127,185,332 people. The people of Japan speak the Japanese language. The linguistic diversity of Japan is almost homogeneous according to a fractionation scale, which is 0.0178 for Japan. The average age is around 46.1 years. Life expectancy in Japan is 84. Female fertility rate in Japan is 1.4. About 5% of the population of Japan is obese. Ethnic diversity is nearly uniform according to a fractionation scale, which for Japan is 0.0119. Details of the language, religion, age, gender distribution and advancement of the people of Japan can be found in the sections below, as well as the section on education in the country. Population In Japan, the population density is 335.58 people per square kilometer (873 per square mile). Based on these statistics, this country is considered densely populated. The total population of Japan is 127,185,332 people. Japan has approximately 2,043,877 foreign immigrants. Immigrants in Japan account for 1.1 percent of the total number of immigrants worldwide. Immigrants in Japan account for 1.9 percent of the total number of immigrants worldwide. The ethnic diversity of Japan is nearly uniform according to an ethnicity-based fractionation scale. Ethnic Fractionation (EF) deals with the number, size, socioeconomic distribution, and geographic location of diverse cultural groups, usually within a state or some other demarcated area. Specific cultural characteristics can refer to language, skin color, religion, ethnicity, customs and traditions, history, or other distinctive criteria, alone or in combination. These characteristics are often used for social exclusion and power monopolization. The index of ethnic fractionation in Japan is 0.0119. This means that the people living in Japan are somewhat fractional. EF is usually measured as 1 minus the Herfindahl concentration index of ethnolinguistic group proportions, which reflects the probability that two randomly drawn individuals from the population belong to different groups. The theoretical maximum of EF of 1 means that each person belongs to a different group. Read Japan's average age and gender distribution statistics at different ages below. Age The average age is around 46.1 years. The median age for men is 44.8 years, while the median age for women is 47.5 years. Gender The sex ratio, or the number of males for each female (estimated at birth), is 1.06. It can be further divided into the following categories: sex ratio under 15 - 1.06; sex ratio from 15 to 64 - 1.02; sex ratio over 64 - 0.74; total sex ratio - 0.95. Total sex ratio is different from sex ratio estimated at birth. This is due to the fact that some newborns are considered in the sex ratio estimated at birth but pass away within the first weeks of their life and are not included in the total sex ratio. Religion The majority religion of Japan is Buddhism, the followers of which comprise 36.2% of all religious believers in the country. Buddhism is a nontheistic religion or philosophy (Sanskrit: धर्म dharma; Pali:धम्म dhamma) that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices largely based on teachings attributed to Gautama Buddha, commonly known as the Buddha (the awakened one). According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha lived and taught in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. He is recognized by Buddhists as an awakened or enlightened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end their suffering through the elimination of ignorance and craving. Buddhists believe that this is accomplished through the direct understanding and perception of dependent origination and the Four Noble Truths. Besides Buddhism, there are several other religions present within the country. Other religions in Japan are Christianity, Buddhism, folk religions. The religious diversity of Japan is rather diverse according to a fractionalization scale based on the number of religions in Japan. The index of religious fractionalization in Japan is 0.5406. This score means that there are several major religions distributed evenly within Japan. General development Japan is considered to be a developed nation. The developmental stage of a nation is determined by a number of factors including, but not limited to, economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. As a developed nation, Japan is able to provide its citizens with social services like public education, healthcare, and law enforcement. Citizens of developed nations enjoy a high standard of living and longer life expectancies than citizens of developing nations. In Japan, 79.05 in every 100 people use internet. Japan has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.89. Japan has a very high HDI score. This indicates that nearly all citizens are able to attain a desirable life because of social and economic support; citizens with a low standard of living receive aid and support and have the opportunity to advance in society. In Japan, 16% of the population lives below the poverty line. The percentage of citizens living below the poverty line in Japan is fairly high, but is not reason for complete concern with regard to investments. Potential financial backers should look at other economic markers, including GDP, urbanization rate, and strength of currency, before making any decisions regarding investments.
Business International
Nov 29, 2021
In General Discussions
Considered one of the most open and outward-facing economies in the world, Hong Kong is probably the best place to do business. First, it has a great location in the geographic center of Asia, which provides quick and easy access to the region's major markets. Located on the south-east coast of China, Hong Kong is the world's largest single market, not least because its economy is built on free trade, free enterprise and the free market that is open to all: there are no restrictions on foreign or foreign investment and no barriers to trade like Quotas, tariffs or exceptions. In addition, there are no nationality restrictions for any sector or company, no exchange controls, and a simple tax system in this jurisdiction. Hong Kong also has the lowest corporate tax rate (currently 16.5%) of any major Asian economy. Taxation and the tax system in Hong Kong Hong Kong is often referred to as a tax haven because tax rates are very low - dividends, offshore income, and capital gains are not taxed at all. Hong Kong applies the territorial source principle when collecting taxes. This means that income is generally only taxed if it comes from doing business or trading within Hong Kong. Nonetheless, there are a small number of sources of income to which the territorial source principle does not apply and that income is taxed at the source (e.g. royalties received by non-residents for the use of literary property or copyrighted material). Hong Kong has a scheduler income tax system, which means that different types of income are taxed separately. Taxes applicable to corporations are: corporate income tax (tax on income from doing business, professional services or commerce in Hong Kong), wage tax (tax on income from employment, office or pension), and wealth tax (tax on income earned on Hong Kong real estate). For corporate income tax, the rate is 15% for unincorporated companies and 16.5% for corporations (the lowest in the region, compared to 17% in Singapore and 25% in mainland China). Investment income is not subject to taxation. Dividends from local companies are taxable, but dividends from overseas companies are not because they are offshore in nature. The tax residence is not important for the calculation of the profit tax, but only for agreements or agreements on double taxation. The wage tax is levied progressively on a scale between 2% and 17% or at the standard rate of 15%. Salary tax includes salaries, bonuses, commissions, pensions, vacation pay, fees, allowances, etc. There is a 60-day income exemption, which means that anyone who visits Hong Kong for less than 60 days per calendar year is exempt from payroll tax. In some cases, however, depending on the employment relationship, a tax return is required. Hong Kong property tax is currently 15% payable by the owner of the building or land. Advantages of choosing Hong Kong There are many benefits to starting a business in Hong Kong. First of all, company registration is easy and inexpensive. Your biggest expense will be the flight to open your bank account, although in some cases it can be done remotely. Hong Kong has an excellent, world-famous banking system and an excellent communication infrastructure. There is no minimum share capital requirement, and only one shareholder and one director is required to set up a limited liability company. In addition, there are no restrictions on foreign directors or shareholders with Hong Kong based companies. The main business language is English - one of the official languages in Hong Kong. All communications, information and documents can be created in English. As you can see, Hong Kong is a great place for your business for many reasons. It is an international economic center with a reliable and stable legal system, a cosmopolitan spirit and strong and established institutions. With its business-friendly government, Hong Kong has been voted the most liberal economy in the world for 20 years in a row. It is probably the ideal choice whether you are starting or continuing your business adventure.
Business International
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